Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year, New Me...

Being that this is my first blog EVER, I wanted to make it special, maybe. Do I give everyone a quick "testimony" of my life, my marriage, my children? Do I talk about why I am blogging? After very little thought, I think I am just gonna jump right into the now!

It's 2011!! A new year, a new me!! After all, isn't that what the new year is for, reinvention?!

Wait a minute, I don't really want a "new" me, just some work done. You know, "he's still working on my, to make me what I ought to be."

In the year's past, I start out with these lofty resolutions, hit it hard for a week and then hit a wall, get discouraged and quit. This year, I am going to take it easy, rejoice when I get things done and set realistic "goals" (maybe if I call them goals instead of resolutions, there won't be so much pressure).

First goal, read through the bible this year. This is going to happen, I have the accountability of 3 amazing friends and I can't wait to be challenged like this, knowing that I will be drawn closer to God in the process :)

Second goal, plan out my homeschooling better. I have really struggled to balance my time between Trent and Macey (homeschooled) and Maggie and Izzie (destructive toddlers), somewhere there is a system that is going to work, I will not give up because I know I am doing what the Lord wants me to in this season, but its just not easy...

Third goal, to make a routine/schedule for my daily life and live by it! I am not a planner, it takes MAJOR work for me to do anything in advance, so this is a step in the right direction! The thought of writing out any plan scares me a little, but if I want to accomplish goal 2, then I must do this as well!

Fourth goal, keep my fitness plan up, no slacking! Last February, I had a breakdown, I wanted to lose weight, but be healthy and I did! I have been going to the gym (took a few breaks to visit family and go on vacation) for almost a year straight, can't stop now!

Fifth goal, nurture my relationships. Most importantly, my relationship with the Lord. I want to continue to grow, trust, and walk in His truth.

There you have it! My first blog, and my set of goals!

As I sit here ready to "publish" this first blog, my insecurities begin to creep in on me... Is this silly, will people enjoy my blogs, are there any spelling/grammar errors, ahh! Then there is that gentle reminder that I am a child of God, he's got this and delights in anything that I do to bring glory to His name!


  1. Woohoo! I'm so excited you started a blog:)

  2. Welcome to the bloggersphere, Heidi! I am excited to read what you have to say week to week. I hope you enjoy it!

    Looks like a great list of ''goals' too!
