Maggie was a fighter from the second she was born! She struggled with apnea the next week and weight gain but continued to thrive and grow. The nurses always commented on her personality right away, she was and is feisty!
Today, Maggie is 4!!! She is turning into such a sweet, tender hearted little lady. I hope she keeps her feisty in her, it makes Maggie, Maggie!! I could write a book on Maggie stories! She is funny, moody, kind, generous, selfish, stubborn, playful, LOUD (thank you Trent), happy, sad, loves to sing, loves to dance, LOVES to snuggle, uneasy in a crowd but eats up attention at home in her comfort zone. I can't imagine Maggie being any different and would NEVER change 1 thing about her. Even the days when she is trying my patience, she still manages to melt my heart at some point.
Happy Birthday my sweet, precious Maggie!! I can't wait to watch you grow and fall in love with your creator. Jesus loves you so much Maggie!
Happy Birthday, Maggie!!!!
ReplyDeleteMaggie you are so much your mommy! Don't ever change sweet girl!:) Have a happy birthday and remember I love you!! Love Aunt Donna