Friday, October 7, 2011

Our little Mag Pie

Maggie has gone through a lot of transition since I have been pregnant, and had a happy heart with most of these changes too! 

I need to brag on Maggie. 

Maggie is our sassy, sometimes ill tempered, wordy, BUT hilarious, joyful, and extremely cuddly 4 year old. From birth until recently she is the one that we would fear being in public with in case she decided to have a freak out moment, or talk sassy, forcing us to discipline her, only causing more freaking out. The cycle continued, but Craig and I have worked on consistency with Maggie, and it has NOT been easy! It's easier in the short term to give the screamer whatever it is she is screaming for to temporarily relieve the pain in my ear and the sweat pouring from me out of embarrassment! Maggie is either SUGAR or SPICE, in every essence of the words! She is changing so much though! 

This past month, I have been on stricter bed rest and she comes to me many times in the day just to snuggle and hold my belly. She loves to talk to Isaac and feel him kicking and squirming :) She patiently waits with either her hand or head resting on me and just giggles when she feels him move, I love it!!

Maggie is working on sharing with her sister Izzie, keeping her hands to herself and using her words words to make Izzie feel loved, not hurt, or rejected. She has really done much better. (This is a daily battle)

Maggie, who typically HATES doctors, dentists, or anything other than pretend play, went to the dentist with Macey and did awesome!! She started to get weepy and quickly showed me she had self control and obeyed the dentist completely! This was HUGE for Maggie, huge!! All she wanted for reward was a new toothbrush so she could keep the boo boo's out of her mouth and girlfriend reminds ME to brush her teeth all the time still, 6 months later, ha!

Maggie loves to serve!! She relishes any opportunity to "help", really! Now, obey orders is completely different, ha!! If she hears that we need help with something, she is on it! She heard me say I needed to lay down cause my feet hurt, and a few minutes later she shows up with lotion and the desire to rub my feet :) That not only felt good, but saved the family about $40, ha!!

 Maggie has been such a joy to be around this past 8 months. I can see so much maturity in her. She is growing into such a happy, loving, enjoyable child. It melts my heart to see her being kind to her sissy :)

Maggie has been struggling at home to be busy and wants to do school, its just not that easy while I am on bed rest. I can't do all the preschool activities I had planned out for this year, so Craig and I decided to send her to preschool and she LOVES it! I already posted on this previously, but she loves that this is special just Maggie time!

 All of this change for sure deserves a great reward every now and then, so a mani/pedi was so necessary for this little princess! She was hilarious, sat alone waiting for her appointment and then held a conversation with the nail tech during her entire appointment, ha!

 All of this change has made for a great sleeper as well! She is outgrowing her naps, so once a week we make her nap and go to bed early and she is very obedient and stays in bed. Her little sister on the other hand, well, that's another post! Izzie is taking her terrible 2's very seriously these days and it is wearing us all out!!

Maggie Dawn, your daddy and I love you so very much! We love watching you grow up and learn obedience and self control. I love your little personality, happy heart or not so happy sometimes. I love that you know everyday that Jesus loves you, he made you just the way you are and it pleases Him so very much to see your love for your family, your obedient heart, and willingness to serve. My prayer is that you would grow to understand your purpose to give God ALL the glory in everything you do in this life. I can't wait to see how much of a big help you are going to be to your new baby brother! 


  1. What a sweet post! I love that little cheese smile she has as she heads to school:)

  2. Thanks for the tears, she is a precious girl and we love her so much :) and miss you all!!

  3. Heidi, what an amazing post. I got fuzzies all in my heart! Maggie reminds me so much of you, with you and Craig as parents she will grow up to be an amazing person, as with all your other kids:) Love and kisses to all!! Aunt Donna

  4. Thanks Aunt Donna! I love all of them but sometimes Maggie just needs a little positive reinforcement! Apparently I was the same way, ha!
    Tasha, she LOVES school, but keeps saying I will be her kindergarten teacher and THEN Izzie gets to go to school, ha!
    Julie, I cried writing it!!

  5. What a sweet post; Maggie is such a cutie-pie. And, I've seen both the sweet and sassy ;) - girlfriend's got spunk ;) But she wouldn't be Maggie without it!! Love the pictures, she is just so precious!!

  6. Still trying to find a way to post a comment ... love, dad

  7. Hey Heidi, great blog - I guess the only way for me to comment is anonymously, so from your anonymous Dad, keep writing and remember that one day your kids will bring you more and more joy and great blessings.


    - dad
