Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Beauty Shoppe

Today was like every other day at our house, except that I woke up on a mission! You see, yesterday was a bad day, a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. I won't get into details, just know that today is about new mercies!! My goal today was to make it through the day and meditate on scripture.

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 
They are new every morning; great is your faithfullness. 
I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."
Lamentations 3:22-24 

I got up, went to the gym, came home and was ready to tackle the house, it was CLEAN HOUSE DAY! First order of business, get the kids dressed head to toe and that is where we took a long pause...
You see, I am naturally a scattered brain. I CRAVE routine, schedules, and lists. Without them I crumble and fail, miserably fail! Let the scattered braining begin!
So, I was getting the girls dressed and as usual Maggie began to panic when I was doing her hair, she was doing her thing, flailing about, crying, screaming "OUCH" while I tried to comb through the rats nest that was her hair. I came up with a brilliant idea to just cut it all off. Maggie was NOT liking the idea. In fact, her exact words were, "NO, you can't cut all my hair off like Rapunzel's mommy did, I want princess hair!" So, I quickly and quietly explained that princesses don't cry EVERYDAY when its time to brush their hair. Long story short, I came up with yet another brilliant idea, to make it into a beauty shoppe and turn Maggie into a short haired princess. She immediately took the bait! (Yes, I am aware of how manipulative this was, but desperate times call for desperate measures! She literally cries and screams EVERYDAY when I do her hair) The rest is history. I became focused on the beauty shoppe task and became once again completely sidetracked. The house did not get completely cleaned, Izzie never even got out of her pj's and Maggie put new pj's on just for Beauty Shoppe!! I did, however, meditate all day on Lamentations, and enjoyed being sidetracked with my girls. They need to see more happy mommy, not anxious, overwhelmed, too busy to have fun mommy.

Here is the rats nest, we still had to get through it to cut it :( 
 A picture of Maggie with her "princess" hair
 The cutting begins...
 Not too bad, considering I have NEVER done a hair style!
 Forgot to mention we are donating her hair to Locks of Love
 Maggie was great and held still for a long time!
 Izzie even tried to get in on the action
 Trying to even it out and put in some layers
 Final product, happy, tangle free Maggie=happy happy mommy!
 Now, lets get back on track and clean this house!


  1. Heidi, I LOVE it! You are such a great mom. It's hard to get out of the rut when you are in it. Sometimes it is just nice to be able to catch your breathe so you can find "happy mommy" again:)
    Love you!

  2. Oh, how heart wrenching that she compared cutting off her hair to Rapunzel's haircut! But, way to change her perspective!! Very nice. I can't wait to see her little haircut!!

  3. Maggie's hair looks great Heidi!

  4. That haircut was seriously amazing ... much like the mommy that did it :-) What a great verse to meditate on in the midst of craziness - great blog <3
