Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why do I Homeschool again???

It's Easy! No. 
It frees up our day? No. 
It's only 2 hours a day? NO! 
It's cool! Only to those who homeschool, to everyone else, we are crazy mom's! 

Which leads me to my question again, why am I homeschooling again?

Well, I have been fighting the homeschool battle with my own stubborn, selfish self since the day I started homeschooling last September. I had felt a very strong conviction to take our kids out of school and train our children in the way they should go and when they are old they will not turn from it (Prov. 22:6). I started out VERY ambitious, I was excited! I had a peace and just knew this was gonna be a piece of cake! Yes, I was living in LaLa Land at the time, I am currently residing on earth and struggling!
Let's just back up to the beginning of this journey for a moment...
In March 2010 my awesome sister in law, whom I love dearly, tricked, I mean invited me to a "MomHeart Conference" in Raleigh. Great! It will be fun and a great time to refresh and renew my mind. Any opportunity to escape my busy life I was all for! Well, my sister in law couldn't come at the last minute (that should've been my first clue to run), but my other awesome sister in law came down and went with me. Did I mention that BOTH of these awesome sister in laws homeschool? Maybe I should've mentioned that first, ha!! So, my sister in law comes down and we headed to the conference. Let me repeat, this was a MomHeart Conference, that's all I knew. IF I knew anything about homeschooling, which I didn't, I would've known by the title that this was a HOMESCHOOL CONFERENCE! Okay, so I didn't take the first hint, maybe I should've known when I noticed the dress code was embroidered sweaters and ankle length skirts (I am only kidding, only half were dressed like that). The clincher was sitting around the table and noticing that they were all sharing their curriculum and I thought, "Oh no, I have to lie, they cannot know that a heathen public school kid mom is in the room!"
At dinner we had a great conversation about the conference so far and the fact that I was the ONLY mom who was mean enough to toss her kids on a school bus and send them out until dinner 5 days a week! The conference was great! By no means was anybody pushing any type of agenda and nobody made me feel like a heathen mom for not choosing to homeschool. Having said that, I started to slowly feel a little tug on my heartstrings. I felt the Lord was allowing me to sit through this conference and just see the other side. For YEARS I had no interest in homeschooling, in fact, I had a great argument against it, so why am I sitting in a room with only homeschool moms again? The truth of God's word was amazing that weekend and that is the weekend that I turned from fighting against homeschooling, I stopped justifying why it was okay for me to send my kids to school and started to listen to the Lord. The Lord wanted me to draw my kids back in, to get to the heart of my kids again, to get back into my heart again. I  just want my kids to LOVE JESUS, to FOLLOW JESUS, to walk in HIS WILL for their lives, to be His hands and feet in this fallen world. What I need to do is GET OUT OF THE WAY! I cannot do this on my own strength, I need Jesus too :) This is beginning to sound like a thank you note to my sister in laws and maybe it should be!
Anyway, I just wanted to share my journey to homeschooling. There were many other "red flags" during the next few months that ultimately lead Craig and I to this decision. I believe it was just the Lord confirming this decision and making it easier for me to choose, that you LORD!! Honestly, I have been struggling with homeschooling lately and maybe this reminder is for me too!  I have had too many moments with my kids lately where I have threatened to put their disobedient butts on a school bus! I have tried putting Maggie and Izzie into preschool so that I can homeschool, like that makes any sense at all! I have my anxious times when I feel like I am letting my family down by not doing my "job" well enough and then comes this reminder and I am at peace again...


  1. Hi! Nice to "meet" you again =) We started homeschooling Ella this year (Kindergarten) and I can really relate to some of your same feelings. It is hard to juggle the other non-schoolers while feeling like you are doing justice to the older ones. Good for you for remember back to what called you to do it in the first place! I have to remind myself of that often =)!!

    p.s. Thanks for the hair care comment!

  2. Are you coming to the MomHeart conference in Raleigh, March 4-5?

    So glad you enjoyed it last year. let me know if you have any
