Has it really been over a month since my last blog?!?! Wow!
I sort of want to recap the past month, but I won't, for your sake, trust me! I will only say that I just got my computer back tonight and its been gone about a month. Izzie decided to slowly pour ice tea on my brand new macbook pro while it was opened and basically destroyed it slowly. At first it worked fine, then things started to "burn" out. So, I took it into apple NOT because of water damage but because my cd rom drive was not spitting out my cd and long story short, I have a new computer, yeah! They did notice the water damage but decided to give me grace and replace it anyway since I have not had the computer very long, PRAISE THE LORD! During that time when I had no computer, I would've had no time to blog anyway.
I am back! I am excited to see what God has in store for my little life because he has been just blowing me away lately with his love and kindness.
Welcome back! We've missed you. I am sooo glad Apple fixed your computer. Now...no more Iced Tea!