Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Guest Blogger, my dad: A Letter to a Dear Friend

Recently my parents said goodbye to a long time friend of theirs. Jay was a father of 6 children and lost a long battle last week. My dad is in Iraq so he was unable to attend the funeral and posted this letter on his blog. You may not know the man he is writing about, but I was just so touched by this sweet note...

Deployment Log #58: Welcome Home, Jay.

A great friend was given the victory in the battle over the frail human body today.  He has a brand new one, disease free, and probably a full head of hair.  He is no longer a stranger in a foreign land, he’s home.
I am sure there was a welcome party for him – Jesus, Abraham, Joshua and Caleb (I think I remember Jay particularly liking Joshua and Caleb, so maybe they were at the head of the receiving line!)  Paul, who penned words Jay quoted every week when he led the AWANA program was there.  He probably thanked Jay for teaching the kids to be workmen who are not ashamed, and for properly teaching them God’s Word.  I imagine the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment stretched out her hand in greeting, and then surprised (and embarrassed) him with a great big welcome home hug.
Jay’s home.  Pain and disease free.  Released from this mortal body, home at last.
Jay was a humble man.  A great friend.  A real friend.  He never used his friendship for personal gain or status or position or to receive anything in return.  He was just a friend.  Faithful.  Unassuming.  Compassionate.  Reliable.  An encourager.  There when you needed him, asking nothing in return, usually before you knew you needed him.  He walked a tough path, rough physical and personal experiences, but was loath to let that show, and never let those things get in the way of helping someone else.  He reminded me of Onesiphorus – look him up, read what Paul said about him, and you’ll know why.  Or Pastor Bob can explain it to you.  He experienced Jay’s “Onesiphorus characteristics.”
I’ve missed seeing him these past nine months, and am thankful that we did get to chat before I left and grateful to know that I’ll see him again.  Since there’s no night in his mansion, I guess I can correctly say, I’ll see you in the morning, Jay.
Join me in praying for his wife Barbara, his daughters (I still can’t remember all their names) & son Nelson.  Often and without fail.
To those of you who don’t know Jay, I know you wish you did!
- duane

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