Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It is time for Spring!

I love the spring, love it! By the time the winter is over, I am completely over the winter! How blessed I am to live in North Carolina where we don't have to endure a long, cold winter!!

It's quit funny though, because usually by August, it's too hot and then I find myself complaining about the heat and desiring cooler days! The grass is always greener isn't it? We NEED the winter, it is necessary for harvesting, growth, preparation and REST for the spring and summer months of joy!

"The hills collect the rain for a hundred fruitful valleys!"

This year I am going to soak it in and be thankful! I will try NOT to complain about the heat and remind myself how much I hate to:

  • bundle everyone up to go anywhere in the winter
  • find a place to put all of our heavy coats, sweaters, shoes
  • staying indoors ALL day
  • deal with wheezing, flu and other illnesses
  • hope for a good snow storm only to get less than an inch and sloppy rain!
You see, it reminds me my relationship with Christ in a way. I greatly anticipate the joyful times of worship, intimate prayer & reading. I long to feel His presence in my life, to see His hand working in my heart, the hearts of my children and my husband. I love to SEE the Lord at work and KNOW He is there, blessing me of course!!  I WANT THE SPRING!

What I don't look forward to are the these times:
  • Financial stress
  • Loneliness
  • Heartache
  • Valleys
  • Struggles
  • Loss
  • Depression & Anxiety
I really could go on and on for that list! You see I also NEED the winter. The dry, lonely, dark, rainy, cold times. I need these times because I am being harvested, I am growing, I am being prepped for the joy! The bible speak a lot about these times, encouraging us to press on toward the goal, and so I will :)

"We grow in the valley, the mountain top is for celebrating." -Jimmy Carroll

"When God wants to make a man he puts him into a storm. 
No man is made until he has been out into the surge of the storm 
and found the sublime fullfillment of the prayer,
 "Oh God, take me, break me, make me." -Streams in the Desert

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