Wednesday, June 1, 2011


When did Trent and Macey grow up?

When did they stop holding my hands, or did I stop holding theirs?

When did they stop snuggling me in the mornings?

When did I stop wiping their bottoms and washing their faces?

When did they learn to get dressed all by themselves?

When did they start tying their shoes by themselves everyday?

When did they start doing their own hair (sort of)?

When did they start reading such big books?

When did they start learning more about math than I can help with?

When did they learn their geography better than me?

When did they start texting?

When did they stop saying baby words?

When did I get so hard on them?

When did I get so impatient and demanding because they are the oldest?

When did I stop treating them like my babies and more like kids?

It really does feel like it happens overnight. One day Trent is saying compano instead of piano, zanganee instead of magazine, star whores instead of Star Wars and jurass kick park instead of Jurassic Park and before I can blink, he is on stage playing real music with a band!! Crazy! I remember thinking Macey would never read and now she is reading through the entire bible by herself at night!
We used to wake up and snuggle in the mornings and now I have to drag them both out of bed to hurry up and clean up and help out around the house with the newest members of the family.
Maybe I am just sensitive and pregnant, but lately I look at them and am amazed that 12 years has flown by the way that it has. Oh, I am not ready for this next journey of the teen years, so for now, I am going to just go back and look at pictures of their sweet innocent pictures so that when I want to pull my hair out, I am reminded that I used to wipe their bottoms too!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Such sweet pictures. They are adorable. I feel like the time just flies by... Cana is already 5!! I can't imagine when she is...10, 12, 15??!!

  3. I LOVE seeing those pictures because I missed that part of those little lives...thanks for sharing such precious memories!
