Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Isaac Sullivan!

Yesterday our baby turned 1!! All day I was thinking of last year at this time and was so thankful for a full term, healthy boy that came at the right time.

At 1 years old Isaac is such a love and boy is he loved! Developmentally he is:
*Saying words, and trying to copy our tone
*Crawling, not even worried about walking. He is a pro crawler and walking is just not necessary yet, he is carried too much, ha!
*A Great eater! This boy loves to eat and will rarely turn down food!
*A gadget guru already! I really am trying not to brag but you should see this boy on the iPad! He scrolls through, opens up the photos and then looks through them, its hilarious! Toys are sooo 2011, he would prefer your iPhone or iPad, ha!
*Isaac is very content and only throws a fit if he is hungry or his big sisters are up in his face, he hates that.
*Loves cars already! Anything on wheels is pushed through the house with loud noises, its so cute!

We are all so blessed by this sweet boy! He snuggles each of us the same, loves to fall asleep on Trent and Macey and thinks that Maggie and Izzie are his 24/7 live entertainment. I can't wait to see how much he grows this next year although, I am a little sad how fast this year has gone by:(

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