Sunday, October 30, 2011

34 Week Goal Reached Today!

Huge, no appetite, nauseous, tired, baby kicks hurt instead of tickle, can't stop peeing, did I mention tired already?!
All of this is completely normal and yet I have not ever been to this point! At the same time, I am only telling you how I am feeling these days, I am NOT complaining, not yet, ha!! I am beyond thrilled to be able to feel all of this nearly full term aches and pains cause it is one day closer to having a full term baby boy! Which leads me to my next thought...

My 4th and final goal is reached!! I am 34 weeks pregnant!! Have I ever come this far? Yes, I had Trent at 34 weeks, but the drama that led up to his delivery was awful. I started labor around 28 weeks and was put on awful meds to stop the labor, then sent home to bed rest, which didn't last long. Then I lived in the hospital until they could hold me no longer at 34 weeks. When he was born, I had a fever, he had a fever, we were both pretty sick...

Moving ON...

Thursday I had my weekly checkup. Since I am high risk, I have been seen every week since week 28, just to keep a watchful eye :) Well, when the nurses saw me this week you would've thought I was the president (Maybe not Obama, lets go with a Bush, or Reagan)! They were so excited to see that I am still here, still pregnant! They know me very well by now and I love them all! Since I have never been this far, I was given work to do. I have to preregister to the hospital, carry around my records, and count kicks? This is all of the sudden feeling like my first pregnancy!!! My appointment went GREAT!! There is nothing going on, even though I am contracting a lot, it's all normal. I am not dilated at all, and the baby is not dropping yet either, all great news! I was also told that as of this coming week if I were to go into labor, I would have a "normal" labor and delivery! No stopping labor, no drama, just what happens in the movies, you wake up, figure out you are in labor and go to the hospital for a blissful delivery :) I am not that naive!! This is my 5th baby after all. At this point I am praying only for a healthy baby. If it takes 36 hours of labor to get there, so be it (Maybe I will start praying for a short labor too)!

Anticipation is now setting in. Not that I have ever been prepared for the babies cause they come so early, but this time I have the opportunity to plan and so I am prepared to have a baby! I packed for the hospital last week, yes! This week I purchased all of my last minute things and found a great stroller, the car seat is loaded with the girls baby doll in it, and the bath is ready for a tiny boy to relax in:) The bath, by the way, is so cool! I love gadgets and so does Craig so we are suckers for new gadgety things! Look it up, the PUJ. Its small, fits into a sink and then unfolds flat to dry and weighs NOTHING! I love gadgets! Speaking of gadgets, Craig's step mom Terri has been down helping us and she took me to pick up my last minute things and surprised me by getting the gadget of all gadgets! It's by 4moms and it the the smallest, coolest swing I have ever seen! It doesn't take batteries and you can plug in your iPod while it adjusts to 5 different types of motions for the baby! It is amazing how things change in 3 small years!! Don't get me started on the diaper options, breastfeeding accessories and developmental toys! I had to stop myself and remind myself that we were sticking to the basics and be proud, we did!

Pray for us as we enter the next 6 weeks. I have never entered the next 6 weeks. I have never felt these weird pains, so every ache and pain I wonder if its labor. I need to chill out and know that I HAVE been in labor before so I will know when its the real thing. So, this is me at 34 weeks, free of hospital, free of IV's, but still on bed rest. I will take it!


  1. I am grinning from ear to ear! I LOVE this post. I love it because it is new! You've never entered this stage before and I can't wait to see you still perggers in a couple of weeks!!!!

  2. Yes!! Goal Number 4 - COMPLETE!! Next step is a full term healthy baby!! Love it Love it Love it!! Congratulations, Heidi - I love watching God work!!

  3. Your mom, dad, sisters, nieces, and nephews visited us at the Pumpkin Patch today. It was so nice to visit with Jeanne. She was excited to tell me that you began Week 34 today. CONGRATULATIONS and love and prayers for you, Craig, and the little ones.

  4. Praise God!!! I'm so happy for you look great!!! :0)

  5. Wow! Look how pregnant you are! So cute, as always :-)
