Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Family Torn...

If you follow me on twitter or happen to be my "Facebook friend" you have seen my never ending posts about our dear friends Josh & Tasha Via. Since last October they have been going through the process of adopting a child from the orphanage that our church built in Uganda. In September they were finally given a court date and traveled over there with their 3 kids to bring little Alethia home. I remember the day they left and feeling so excited that the time had finally come to go get this precious baby! I had the privilege of meeting her and putting new shoes and clothes on her when I went to Uganda last October, so I feel like she is my little niece :) Since the day they arrived there they have faced situations that to us seem so frustrating and hopeless, and yet to them they are resting in their faithful heavenly Father every step, every obstacle, everyday. Through a series of delays and things they were finally approved, given custody and set to come home today! Their very last appointment was a no brainer, obtain a visa at the US Embassy. It is the US after all right? The hard part was over, getting a Muslim Ugandan judge to grant custody to a US Christian family was the tough part right? They were denied the visa for reasons that are truly unknown cause they keep changing the laws in the embassy. We could sit and guess and wonder but what's the point. The reality is they are trying to bring their new child home and cannot. The sadness in all of this is that many many people have pulled from their many many resources and unless the embassy changed their mind, there is nothing anyone can do. But God... God is still in control, He is the mountain mover, not our senators, not our embassy workers, or lawyers, but God. So today I beg everyone who reads my blog to share it with everyone they know and get on your knees in prayer for this family. Follow their blogging, they're story just over these past 2 months is such a great story of a hope and faith that I only dream of having. ( and the password is TRUTH) Today Tasha is flying back to NC with her 2 older children leaving behind her husband and new child in Uganda. This family is literally being torn apart and need prayer and support. They do not know what lies ahead, they only know that this could be a very long process and they are resting completely on the Lord for a miracle. God is able. I know it. I have seen him at work and KNOW this is only the beginning of a great work of the Lord. When I see how many people the Lord has brought together over the past week I am amazed. Today is National Adoption Day and many families are still waiting for that precious child to call their own, let's all pray today to fill them all with hope that someday soon they will..

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